martes, mayo 21, 2024
Distinguished news

Irapuato municipality moves forward with the construction of the environmental education center / @LorenaAlfaroG @irapuatogob >>>

#Irapuato, #Gto.- The first stage of the Environmental Education Center for the municipality is 80% complete.

While supervising the progress of the work, the municipal president Lorena Alfaro García, explained that they are working steadily on this project, which aims to be a space for the promotion and encouragement of environmental education.

«We continue to move forward with the Environmental Education Center for Irapuato, a space for recreation and leisure, for learning about the environment,» she explained.

Currently, work is being done on the exterior stone wall, plastering, repainting and the structure of the training area is pending, explained the director of Public Works, Manuel Venegas Perez, who said that two stages are expected to be the ones that make up the process.

«From its conception it has the intention of being self-sustainable, it has a water harvesting area and solar panels, because we want the energy to come from the panels», he added.

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